Yey! Finally! We’re up and running. Our new community acupuncture clinic at the beautiful Solaris Cancer Care Centre in Cottesloe.
We’re rushing around now to open for our second week today – time never stands still now does it. But we just wanted to share some photos with you of the beautiful new space we’ve set up for you to come and have some low cost acupuncture.
Look forward to seeing you there. Book your first treatment today…

Community acupuncture means low c0st treatment in a group setting.
How are we able to deliver such affordable treatment without compromising on quality?
- While your needles are in, we’ll be talking to someone else, getting them ready for their treatment
- We streamline all of our processes, so as much as possible of our time is spent with you, rather than on admin
- We focus in on acupuncture, we don’t offer cupping and herbs and other aspects of Chinese Medicine
- We work as a team – you may see a different practitioner at different visits (each treatment is delivered to you by that practitioner, not by Community Acupuncture Perth)
Community acupuncture is not for everyone, but for those who love it, they just love it!
Please come and join us. You can book here.